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Continued ...
Life has thrown quite a few obstacles in Annette's path through the years, yet each challenge has been met head on. In 2003, she lost Luther to a congestive heart condition, and the past year has been difficult, health-wise. A surgery in November 2006 was followed by another surgery for a different problem the next spring. Further tests revealed a heart condition, and she underwent open heart surgery in August 2007. Although recuperation is slow, she delights in being able to care for her precious horses again, albeit with help. She is extremely grateful for the assistance of Joan Dilworth, nearby friend and owner of Fancier Farm, who took care of the horses and the entire farm during her long hospitalization, and her longtime friend Annie Suarez, who is staying with her during her long recovery.
She misses Luther, her long-time partner, who understood and shared her passion for the horses, but the one thing she doesn't miss is the cold, snowy Wisconsin winters. "Seeing snow way, way up in the mountains is close enough!" she says wryly. "My son still lives in Wisconsin, but they like California and have been thinking about buying property nearby. This place is like Wisconsin on a beautiful day," she adds enticingly. "It's a wonderful place to live, and the horses are my dream come true."
Thanks to Annette Weber of Phara Farm, the torch burns brighter now than it did more than four decades ago. The legacy of Lewisfield Sun God lives on through Annette's golden horses of the sun and those intent upon perpetuating her legacy.
About the Author:
Faye Ahneman-Rudsenske has owned horses and written hundreds of horse-related articles spanning more than four decades, including the book Khemosabi, Now and Forever (now out of print). She bought her first Arabian in 1979 and currently owns purebreds, Half-Arabians and Miniature horses that look like Arabians. Her website reflects her commitment to the breed.
Phara Mares - Golden Jewels
Top left: Rose of Fadl
Fadl Dan x Lewisfield Sunny
Lower left:
Miss Burgundy Sun & The Sun Heiress
Burgundy Sun x BGM Sabrina
Eclipse ofthe Sun x Rose of Fadl
Top center: Sun Rose Ebony
Majestic Sun x Rose of Fadl
Lower center: Golden Fantaci
Golden Reflection x Sun God Heiress
Top right: Sun Rose Beauty
Burgundy Sun x Sun Rose Ebony
Lower right: Sun Diamonds
Majestic Sun x Golden Fantaci
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